Goldcoast clothing commercial.
(filmed march 2011)
Filmed by Maverick Multimedia
Modeling stills and action shots in the clothes as well as voice over for the commercial.
Lye - Hot Right Now - Music Video
Directed/Produced: Jeff Richardson
Lies We Tell
Mimitec Entertainment Inc.
Inoke Errati - Jennifer - Music Video
A reality prank music video for the band Inoke Errati (I Know Karate)
Directed, Produced & Edited By: Gavin Michael Booth
Mimetic Entertainment Inc.

Van Kesteren Hyundai
TV Commercial
Shot by Maverick Multimedia
Filmed Sept 2010
Gold Coast
(Clothing Store) TV Commercial
filmed August 2010
Hard Knocks
By: Scott Johnson

I will be playing the part of Alicia. She is a young bubbly, fun and  promiscuous girl.
Filming will be beginning in soon.
Day Fly
By: Kyle Van Dongen

This is an interesting film by Kyle Van Dongen. I will play the main female part which is actually a couple of different characters. I play a scientist and an couple of experiments.
Old Autos Television/Street Sport Television
T.V show
July 2010-Present
oldautostv website
Maverick Multmedia inc.
Executive producer Rick Walker

I work as an interviewer/model for the show. On weekends we travel to different car shows and interview people about their cars and stories about their cars for the show.  The show is on "A Channel" in Ontario. It is also in Detroit. 
Episodes including me begin in the new fall season.

"When you can't come to the car show, we bring the show to you."
Project Serenity
T.V. Pilot
Filming begins soon!
Project Serenity is a sitcom produced by Sun Pillar Productions.
I'm very excited to begin working on this project. I will be playing the part of Serenity Sanchez who is a Bubbly, blonde, airhead, driven by the urge to be famous. Hit on too often because of her beauty, and thus is unaffected by the advances of men.
Music Video : 2am Sigh
April 2010 
 (In production)

I will be playing the part of "The Girl"

This is the live version of the song.   :)

(Coming soon)

I acted for two diferent parts and one will be chosen for the
final film. The first part was for an angry video blogger.
The second was for a broken hearted animal lover video blogger.
Directed by Kyle Archibald. Videography by Zack Berjawi.
(Filmed: March 2010)
(Video Coming Soon)

Directed by Jessica Pillar.
I played the main characters friend in a short diner scene.
(Filmed: March 2010)

T.V Pilot
(Coming soon!)

I will be playing a character who is a very sweet and
bubbly girl. She is the optimistic informant of the group.
 It is Directed by Brett Nikita. See the Flawless Buck
Website Here.

(Coming soon!)

I play a character named Daisy. She is a young woman who
is wild and crazy.She becomes a head crime boss and she
is the lead villian. She kicks butt with kung fu. It is
directed by Mick Chow.
(Filmed: March 2010)

Watch this video for a special behind the scenes peak

(Rehearsing a fight scene)  :)

Directed by Gavin Michael Booth (How Many Days: Here)
I Play a Twilight fan getting my but kicked and punished.
(Filmed: November 2009)


You can find me playing the role of Samantha Johanson on the
youtube Series The Extent. Sam is a character who is emotionally
disturbed and prone to emotional outbursts. The show is directed
by Jason Nassr. Season Two begins filming in the spring.
(Filmed: summer 2009)
